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We have not been left in this world, devoid of God’s presence and therefore knowing nothing of God. All people have some understanding of God, even though it may be questionable or insufficient. The disappointment, negative view of ourselves and life, the emptiness we experience are manifestations of our lack of understanding and confusion of who God is and God’s presence in our life.
Most humans believe that achieving a better, happier and more fulfilling life begins with making changes within themselves and in their environment. Actions most people have taken and achieved minimal, if any, results. The first step in progressing in life is to recognize, be made aware of the presence of God in our life, the grace made available as a result of the works of Jesus Christ and to become convinced of our need for God.

“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves – Jesus (Matthew 11:28-29, CEB)
Life change happens the moment that we stop expecting and start accepting. We desire just as much as you do to see you living a productive and healthy life. Enjoying all of benefits and experiencing all of the joy this life has to offer. That is why, we have worked to create a place where you can be assisted in moving from expecting to accepting.

Before plants are sold commercially in stores, they have been cared for in an enclosed building that allowed the proper environment to maintained until the plant is strong enough to survive in varying and at times harsh environments. Too often, people begin a life in obedience to Jesus Christ but after some time find themselves participating in activities and experiencing the heartaches, troubles, and disappointments that they had attempted to leave behind.
What research and our own growth experience here at St. Paul has informed us of is that a church is unable to provide the nourishing care and environment that people require to mature to the point where they are able to acquire the life God created them to live. Therefore, we have committed ourselves to being a greenhouse for believers. A community where believers are provided the relationships, knowledge and support to grow in their relationship with God and other people, so that they may be able to live the perfect life.